Providing safe sober living housing options for those in between rehabilitation and freedom…


Circle of Hope is a faith-based sober living facility located in North Mississippi. We are privately funded and provide housing for both males and females at separate locations. We ask that all residents be at least 30 days sober. They should agree to an intent of at least 90 days at our facility; however, there is no maximum stay limit. Residents must be active in a recovery program. Residents are required to work 30+ hours a week or be a full time student. We are a goal oriented program in which each individual begins to set goals and work toward those goals while residing at the facility.

By definition it’s sober living, but we call it a fresh start to a New Beginning.
— Circle of Hope

Circle of Hope is committed to being a Christ centered safe, clean sober living environment. Allowing residents the opportunity to develop life skills in a structured environment. Our facility is the last step for residents to transition into society while residing in a structured sober living home. We currently operate 1 home for female residents and in April 2024 we plan on opening our new facility for male residents.

We are committed to helping people of addiction get back on their own two feet and transition back into society with every skill needed to survive life.
— Circle of Hope
  • Our facility offers modern homes containing all appliances, furniture, beds, televisions, linens, dishes, cookware, etc.

  • Residents will be furnished central HVAC, water, sewer, garbage pickup, and fiber internet/WIFI while residing at the facility.

  • Groceries will NOT be furnished.

  • Residents will pay a lodging fee weekly.

  • Our facility is faith-based and will have Bible Studies on site.

  • One-Step Application is provided allowing residents to check into meetings, focus on agendas, communicate with groups, achieve sobriety goals, and much more via any electronic device.

  • All residents will have to maintain sobriety. Drug/alcohol tests will be random and frequent.

  • Sobriety meetings are a requirement and residents will be enrolled upon entrance to the facility.

  • Residents are required to find jobs and work to benefit themselves and learn valuable life skills. Residents are required to work 30+ hours a week or be a full time student

  • GED classes and study guides will be provided to those who do not have High School Diplomas.

  • Money management courses will be available to help residents learn about saving, investing, and planning ahead. Court fines/fees and child support payment plans will be set up if owed.

  • Vehicle maintenance assistance for residents with vehicles that have mechanical failures.

  • Minor medical assistance/relief provided to residents who don’t have or can’t afford medical insurance.

  • Many other new amenities/services will be built in the near future as we continue to expand our dream in Building Phase 2.

“No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.”

1 Corinthians 10:13